Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Political Wishlist

No matter which Democrat gets behind the reins of the White House, the next four years will be a time for change in political appointments--judges, cabinet members, foriegn ambassadors, secretaries to the ----. I am hopeful. I am also wishful. Here are some of my greatest wishes:

Suze Orman to head the Federal Reserve, explode credit card rackets and bring the US out of debt in 5 years or less.
Oprah appointed as new FEMA chairwoman. Her Angel's Network makes homelessness a thing of the past, finishes rebuilding New Orleans in six months and deputizes middle-aged homemakers everywhere to be first responders during disaster conditions.

Angelina Jolie takes over as the US's G8 leadership position, partners with Bill & Melinda Gates to stop the spread of malaria, lower AIDS transmition rates and provide vaccines and medication to poor countries.

Madeliene Albright for Secretary of State. 'Nough said.

Herbie Hancock as Secretary of Education--renews all Arts and Music funding to public education ($$ available thanks to Suze, of course) as well as emphasizing the Sciences.

Gloria Steinem put in charge of National Defense. (Oh, shush. She's brilliant.)

*sigh* It'll never happen...but maybe? This is proof that I'm not a complete pessimist. For proof that I am, click on the cartoon and read the full post. Yes, I really had that dream. It still haunts me.

1 comment:

Carlos Quintero said...

you have cool dreams, albeit a little disturbing. I do not know if have said this to you before but i probably ought to. I really like your drawings. I like the clean lines and the well proportioned and expressive figures. Way to go!
Carlos Quintero