Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Long lost brilliance
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Hostess Takes a Break
I finished another painting! The title is as above. This is the bigger, acrylic version of a watercolor painting/sketch I did about a month ago (image on left). I love it and her. I haven't quite finalized her face, but it's growing on me, so maybe she'll stay this way. Sorry the picture is a bit fuzzy and dark--I haven't had good photo-taking conditions yet. (no sun + crap tripod)
All this productivity is almost starting to make me feel like a functional human being. ...but that would probably make me less artistic, so I'm gonna cut that out. Socially dysfunctional all the way!
In other news, the website is getting a makeover, probably to come online in about three weeks from now. The biggest, bestest chance will be: my old comic books, readable, online! If nothing else, they will provide a foil for my newer, better work.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Happy Tears
That list doesn't stop for a while. But then I heard the below edition of "This I Believe" on KUOW. If a 7 year-old boy in Texas can embody all the peace and calm of a Bodhisattva, of Christ, of the best of everything the civilizations of the ages have had to offer... The opportunity to bring more compassion in to this world, compassion of this caliber and depth--it outweighs that seemingly endless list of evils. And perhaps on just reading this list, the more skeptical of you might think that he is parroting, that he is only mirroring the values of his family. While I don't doubt that he does mirror these values, he is more like a prism, brightening, delineating and broadening those values through his actions. Listen to the podcast and hear it in Tarak's own words if you want to be convinced. It is transcendant.
Thirty Things I Believe
by Tarak McLain
Listen Now [18 sec] add to playlist
“I believe it's OK to die but not to kill ... I believe war should stop. I believe we can make peace.”Weekend Edition Sunday, January 18, 2009 ·
I believe life is good.
I believe God is in everything.
I believe we're all equal.
I believe we can help people.
I believe everyone is weird in their own way.
I believe hate is a cause for love.
I believe that when I meditate I feel peaceful.
I believe we should be generous.
I believe brothers and sisters should be kind to each other.
I believe kids should respect their parents.
I believe I should not whine.
I believe people should wake up early.
I believe people should go outside more.
I believe in nature.
I believe people should use less trees.
I believe we should help the Arctic and rainforest animals.
I believe people shouldn't throw litter on the ground.
I believe people should not smoke.
I believe God is in good and bad.
I believe in magic.
I believe people should not give up.
I believe love is everywhere.
I believe that God helps us to have a good time.
I believe we live best in a community.
I believe we can protect people in danger.
I believe we should help the poor.
I believe it's OK to die but not to kill.
I believe war should not have started.
I believe war should stop.
I believe we can make peace.
Independently produced for Weekend Edition Sunday by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman with John Gregory and Viki Merrick.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Too excited!
I can't sleep. I haven't been up much past 10:30pm for weeks...but it's almost 11:30pm now and I'm not tired. At all.
There are many reasons for this. First and most superficially, the above picture was taken last Sunday at the Seattle Comicon. I am in love with Karl "Helo" Agathon from BSG (Battlestar Galactica, for those uncool enough not to know) and getting to meet his actor counterpart, Tahmoh Penikett, was kind of overwhelming. I mean...celebrity crushes are supposed to be your own dirty secrets, right? You're not supposed to actually meet the person. When I first saw him in the convention hall, I turned bright red and dragged my poor boyfriend halfway across the floor before I could stop giggling long enough to breathe. It's having a hot and heavy affair with someone and then, years later, running in to their identical twin. All those dirty thoughts are going to rush unbidden to your mind, superimposed on this person who wasn't actually involved.'s just more like being 13 all over again.
Other, better reasons for sleeplessness:
1) I've had bunches of job interviews lately! No job yet, but an increase in opportunity increases my odds of getting hired, right? I mean...the market is obviously depleted of the best local candidates and employers are starting to sweep the benches for second-stringers. ... Kidding. Kinda. Not really.
2) Moving! House in Ballard! Nice neighborhood! A room just for MEEEEE! Within walking distance of Golden Gardens (the most California anywhere in Seattle!), downtown Ballard, a bakery. will be great.
3) Website is up! So, get your fingers and eyes in gear and go to! (isn't it funny how I write that like anyone besides myself and my boyfriend reads this? Just in case, I guess)
4) ...some other good reason! Yeah!
My plan tonight is to just mess around on the computer until my butt falls asleep, crawl back in to bed and hope the rest of me follows suit.
And I will dream of hot men in futuristic flight suits (or out of them).